
Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Water confidence

Swimming has started 😊

We can't wait to get into the heated pool.
We are so lucky!

Water confidence and play is very important. How wonderful that we have instructors in the pool with our children.

We are so lucky to have 3 swimming instructors. 
Lots of small group work.

Ringa, ringa, roses.

Round in a circle.  Some of the children submerge themselves in the water.

Follow the leader under the tunnel. 
We get to show our confidence in the water.

Back to the class to get dressed.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Term 4 Scribed storiies

Welcome back to Term 4. 

We have been writing stories about the holidays. The children drew a picture plan and then they told me about their adventures. Here they are for you to enjoy.

Term 4 Newsletter

Here is the term 4 newsletter